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Flight Permits

JTAC has unparalleled experience in the procurement of International Flight Permits for helicopters embarked onboard large private yachts and commercial ships.

With our exclusive customer login portal and client facing cloud-based permit status you will have the latest information for planning complex commercial itineraries.

Commercial Expedition Ships with Embarked Helicopters and Submarines - We understand the importance of marketing your itineraries well in advance of cruises. With our proven track record in the industry we work closely with government officials to ensure your permits are processed and your marketing team has the time it needs to produce booking materials.

JTAC also offers our in-house flight and submarine itinerary brochures we design specifically for each cruise. We're able to identify the areas in which both aircraft and submarine are permitted to operate allowing our design team to more efficiently produce the marketing materials for your operation.

We have extensive knowledge of destination cruises for which we can identify key points of interests for your flights.

Please contact JTAC for further information.

Official Permits

Cloud-Based Client Facing Permit Status

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Cloud Based Client Facing Platform

We take your official cruise itinerary and create a cloud-based permitting platform.

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Habilitation à utiliser les hélisurfaces

JTAC offers a service for applying for your Habilitation à utiliser les hélisurfaces for French territories (Mediterranean, Caribbean) which once approved and received is good for 10 years.

Note: There is no fee from the French government for this process.

Coming Soon!


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